CFP: Caribbean Philosophical Association, Shifting the Geography of Reason XII: Technologies of Liberation, Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Technologies of liberation could refer to the interrelated use of the computer, Internet, radio, mobile phones and applications including social media that, through their decentralizing character, enable people to reach large numbers of others who they can engage in multidirectional communication as journalists, commentators, and organizers. Facilitating the exposing of wrong-doing and the mobilizing of protest, scrutiny, and expanded participation, in the recent history of democratic rebellion...
Read MoreSartre Studies International, Volume 20, Number 2, Winter 2014
Entre Sartre et Spinoze: le monisme critique de Harald Höffding pp. 1-16(16) Author: Charbonneau, Marie-Andrée Abstract Sartre’s reading of Harald Höffding’s works was instrumental in his critical reception of Spinoza. One may find traces of Höffding’s critical monism in Sartre’s Being and Nothingness. Höffding had formulated his critical monism in order to remedy what he perceived to be problems in Spinoza’s view. Sartre’s critique of...
Read MoreCFP: Thinking with Sartre Today: New Approaches to Sartre Studies?
See the link below for the CFP for “Thinking with Sartre Today,” a post-graduate conference held at the University of Oxford. Thinking with Sartre Today
Read MoreSartre Studies International, Volume 20, Number 1, Spring 2014
Sartre et Foucault: Parcours de Réconciliation pp. 1-16(16) Author: Caddeo, Francesco Abstract After decades of separation between Sartre’s philosophy and Foucault’s philosophy, we are now in a position to offer an analysis free from all dogmatic presuppositions. On the basis of certain themes, such as the study of the mechanisms of power, systems of marginalization, and how subjectivity is constituted, it is now possible to create links which go beyond the sterile...
Read MoreThe Diverse Lineages of Existentialism Conference Program and Index of Participants is Now Available
Click the links below for PDF copies of the program and index. DLE Conference Program DLE Index of Participants
Read MoreSimone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Age: Gender, Ethics, and Time
Silvia Stoller’s edited volume, Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Age: Gender, Ethics, and Time, has recently been published. The volume should be of general interest to members of NASS, but perhaps of particular interest are some of the chapters exploring the relation between Sartre and Beauvoir on this interesting topic. See the link below for more details about the book. Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of...
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